• $65.50
  • Save $34

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• Temperature: Extremely Warm
• Light to Dark Scale: 3+
• Base: Orange/Yellow;Organic
A warm dark pumpkin color.
TIP: Organic Mixture; No Iron Oxide; Use as Corrector & Additive. (use as a corrector/additive to neutralize blue)
Used to neutralize stubborn gray; charcoal gray or stubborn blue Hair Scalp colors. Use direct if the gray or blue is packed & dense. Use as an additive to target color if the stubborn gray is sheer in the scalp skin and not as packed & dense. Add to any mid-range Hair Scalp color to warm up.
A Warm Dark Pumpkin color. 

Li pigment colors are formulated from the FDA, FD&C, and D&C colorant listings. These safe, concentrated formulas provide consistent and superior coverage that a technician can depend on. They are highly concentrated so the color retention is superb, they are easy to use and they remain true to color so they age beautifully. Li Pigments is the pigment line the artist can depend on and that is why top artists from all over the world choose Li.

Although we did our best with the swatch colors, they are not a true depiction of the color stated.

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